Please note most of these articles and theories were written from 2002 - 2010.  In investigations we either improve upon these theories, or data we have collected has changed them.  Some of these theories will be updated (or the latest can be found on our Facebook Page, or Youtube Channel)

In November 2004, The article 'What are Orbs' (Orbs 1), was featured as a hot story on 
Coast to Coast AM. Since then, as you will see from the other orb articles, that theories do change as more research is done. This is why it is important to do actual research, not just take photos and come to conclusions automatically. 
Also, we have had lots of emails about Demons. Many 'teams' out there, especially in our area proclaim themselves demon experts, and even attempt exorcisms. They can have their own views, but no one 
really is a demon expert, just as a person who proclaims themselves a paranormal expert, is not really. 
There is so much that we do not know, and no matter how much one reads, does research, or even gets certification - still does not in reality make you an expert. This article in particular was written after a complaint was received by TAPIS re: another group proclaiming a 5 year old little girl possessed, and wanted to do an 'exorcism' on her - when in reality after the mother took her to a doctor then a specialist, found out she was having seizures.  
Also, we have found lately that a lot of other web sites have been 'borrowing' these articles without 
permission (as well as other groups). Because we are incorporated and a legalized entity, do not 
re-produce these articles without the Socieities permission. We are happy to share our views, 
but permission must be given first.